0700 - Topics

In this module, we will learn how to manage simultaneous file access by multiple users. When sharing a drawing file with other users who have editing rights, it is vital that only one of them can edit it at a time; otherwise it would be chaos. Whoever opens the file first controls the editing session; any users who open it later will be temporarily prevented from editing. (Although a later user can ask the first user to release the drawing so that he or she can edit it.)

Consulting the drawing is an option that is always available. In other words, one can navigate through the drawing, take distance or area measurements, or even make comments. This is true even if you are limited to accessing it in view-only mode.

In this module you will learn:

  • How we can request that the user who is currently editing the drawing releases it, so the editing rights are transferred to us
  • What kind of rights we need in order to make this request.
  • Why the drawing is automatically released after 25 minutes of inactivity.

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